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Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)  

CALL for n.1 "F.I.A.M.® per la cultura aeromodellistica" – degree award
Deadline: 03-03-2017

The "F.I.A.M.® per la cultura aeromodellistica" degree award with gross amount of €1,000 (including tax due from the Politecnico di Milano) is for students that have obtained the Laurea Magistrale degree at Politecnico di Milano in Aeronautical Engineering- Ingegneria Aeronautica in the 2016 years and whose thesis concern to improve aerodynamic characteristics of the racing aircraft model

Typology: Scolarship

Recipient: Laureati nel 2016 in laurea magistrale Aeronautical Engineering -Ingegneria Aeronautica

Amount: € 1.000,00 lordi

Area Servizi agli Studenti e ai Dottorandi - Ufficio altre borse di studio

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