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Representatives and Associations

Student Representatives

Students are represented in different bodies of the University. In particular, the representatives elected in the Joint Committee of the Schools, in the Academic Senate and in the Board of Governors, all together they are the Student Council, which proposes and has advisory functions with regard to the bodies of the University on issues under discussion in the Academic Senate and in the Board of Governors. For further information, problems during education or proposal to improve Politecnico you can ask your representatives, they can bring your voice in the official sessions of the bodies. In addition, there are also student representatives in the Assessment Commission, in the Councils of Regional Campuses, in the Ph.D. School, in the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG). To know your representatives, visit the web page: Student Representatives.

Student Associations

Register of the Students' Associations at Politecnico di Milano

The following lists are also recognized as representative in the Academic Senate and in the Board of Governors:

Tavolo delle associazioni

The Student Associations working group, called “tavolo delle associazioni”, is a meeting that brings together the delegates of all the Student Associations and Representative Lists of Politecnico di Milano to share common issues and to improve aggregation and collaboration between the different associations. The meeting is usually held once a month.

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