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The Politecnico


Politecnico di Milano latest news


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One Health

Mechanism that makes human soft tissues resistant discovered

Politecnico di Milano is partner in study published in Nature Materials

Polimi welcomes 17 young researchers granted with a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship

They come from 10 countries around the world to carry out their research


H.E.R.M.E.S. cubesat constellation launched into orbit

Politecnico di Milano among partners in project led by Italian Space Agency

Urban Ecosystems

Second report of Affordable Housing Observatory presented

Milan and the housing access issue: results of our team's research

See also


Press releases

All the releases for the press by Politecnico di Milano


Frontiere (copy 1)

Journey into the research of Politecnico di Milano


Progress in Research

Research on scientific development issues and frontier technology, defined by the European Commission as part of the Recovery Plan for recovery and the resilience of Europe.