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Remuneration and incentives

Performance analysis and evaluation

The main purpose of analysing and evaluating work performance is to direct the organisational action of individuals to achieve the University’s objectives.

In addition to individual performance, results achieved by different teams within the organisation are also taken into consideration; these teams carry out activities and services that align with the University’s mission and the strategic guidelines defined by the Three-Year Program. Individual and team activities are planned according to a top-down or "cascade” managerial model,  which ensures that all actions pursue coherence and linearity.

It is important to guarantee the transparency, integrity and quality of the performance management cycle: through the measurement and evaluation of organisational and individual performance, the University directly engages with the types of subjects (stakeholders) who can influence, be influenced and/or be affected by it, establishing an open dialogue with the territory in order to determine strong social impacts.

In consideration of the high organisational complexity, as well as of the multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral operating environments that characterise it, performance measurement and evaluation allow intercepting and analysing any skill gaps between an employee’s current level and the level required by their role. Consequently, this provides the foundation upon which a broad range of training, refresher projects and development actions can be structured to enhance each and every resource, whilst promoting organisational well-being.

Organisational and individual performances

In accordance with the relevant legislation* and the 2021 Performance Measurement and Evaluation System, the central elements of performance analysis and evaluation are:

  1. Organisational Performance, which is a measurement of the results achieved by a given team in relation to the assigned objectives
  2. Individual Performance, aimed at measuring the contribution of each employee to the achievement of these results, according to their role.Individual performance appraisal is based on the boss-employee assessment.

*Art. 5 of Legislative Decree 150/2009 as modified by Legislative Decree 74/2017, as well as Italian Ministerial Decree No. 635 of 8 August 2016.

Performance cycle

The Planning phase involves the definition and assignment of the objectives to be achieved, the expected result values and the respective indicators, as well as the correlation between the objectives and the allocation of resources.

The Review phase aims to verify the performance of the expected objectives and behaviours during the exercise, in order to identify and implement any corrective actions.

Organisational and individual performances are the parameters used in the Assessment phase for reporting individual objective outcomes.

The Publication phase involves publishing the Performance Charts and implementing the reward system according to merit-based criteria.

Monitoring and Reporting are phases that encompass the entire process.