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For 160 years, centre of excellence for Italian research

Contributing to the scientific and technological progress of the country with an eye always to the future

Our vision

Technology for Humanity

Our research is committed to push the boundaries of knowledge. It is inspired by a vision grounded on a strong commitment to scientific excellence strengthened by values of integrity, inclusion, and sustainability. 
Our 12 Departments cover a broad spectrum of transformative research across the fields of Engineering, Architecture, and Design, positioning us at the forefront of scientific exploration and innovation.


[Translate to English:] EN:lab
EN:lab, the new lab-building of the Department of Energy

EN:lab, the new building dedicated to the activities of the Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Milano, has been inaugurated. With over 6,000 square metres of floor space and located at the…

Technician checking machinery
Effective implementation of Occupational Safety and Health interventions

Making workplaces safer and healthier is an urgent and topical issue, which requires appropriate interventions to address worrying global occurrence of occupational accidents and diseases.
A study…

The signatories of the agreement
Framework Agreement with FAI Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano

The Framework Agreement between Politecnico di Milano and FAI Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano ETS (Fund for Italian Environment), the first of its kind signed with a Milanese university, was presented.…

[Translate to English:]
Artificial intelligence increasingly accessible

Preparing for the massive use of artificial intelligence, bridging infrastructural and cultural gaps and improving the design and operation of AI applications in IT. These are the goals achieved by AI…


Progress in Research

Scientific research at the Politecnico di Milano explores the frontiers of knowledge and faces the great challenges of our time. This is how we want to make a significant contribution to the progress of the society in which we live and work. 

To learn more, read the articles published in our magazine dedicated to the frontier topics of scientific research:

Read the Magazine

Research at the Politecnico

How we do research at Politecnico

Mission and policy

Research projects

Horizon Europe

Research and companies

Partnerships with companies

Joint Research Platforms (JRP)

Technology Transfer

Patents, Spin-off, PoliHub

Our facilities for the research


The operating structures that organize the research activities.


Experimental laboratories and equipment.