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Politecnico di Milano latest news


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Artificial intelligence increasingly accessible

Preparing for the massive use of artificial intelligence, bridging infrastructural and cultural gaps and improving the design and operation of AI…

Anna Corti and Chiara Trovatello receive the Young Talents Italia Award - L’Oréal Italia UNESCO for Women and Science

Two researchers at the Politecnico di Milano are among the six winners of the 22nd Italian edition of the Young Talents Italia Award - L’Oréal Italia…

JRP Annual Meeting

5 June was the date chosen this year for the JRP Annual Meeting, the event organised with the aim to highlight the results achieved thanks to the Join…

Politecnico di Milano back to 1000 Miglia

With its research project "1000 Miglia Autonomous Drive" (1000 MAD)", the Politecnico di Milano is playing a leading role in one of the most…

See also


Press releases

All the releases for the press by Politecnico di Milano


Frontiere (copy 1)

Journey into the research of Politecnico di Milano


Progress in Research

Research on scientific development issues and frontier technology, defined by the European Commission as part of the Recovery Plan for recovery and the resilience of Europe.