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Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is one of the general protective measures for safeguarding the health of employees exposed to occupational risks that could lead to harmful effects. Health surveillance is carried out by the Occupational Health Physician and ends with the issue of a job-specific suitability opinion.


The Risk Assessment Document and filling in the work risk sheet (available via the Online Services; path: Administration > Employment Risks Sheet) allow the Occupational Health Physician to know about any exposure to health risk factors and to activate the health check protocol provided for by the regulations in force. The employee may, within 30 days, appeal against the non-suitability opinion to the competent supervisory body.

Students treated as employees

Pursuant to Articles 2 and 4 of Italian Legislative Decree No 81/2008, students at educational institutes, university students and participants in vocational training courses in which laboratories, work equipment in general, chemical, physical and biological agents and equipment with video terminals are used are treated as employees, limited to the periods during which the student actually deals with the equipment or laboratories in question. Therefore, when these requirements are met and when students are exposed to health risk factors in their activities, they are subject to health surveillance carried out by the Occupational Health Physician. The student/employee may, within 30 days, appeal against the non-suitability opinion to the competent supervisory body.

Below are the addresses of the competent supervisory bodies for the Politecnico campuses:

    Distretto 3 – Zona 2/3 – U.O. Prevenzione e Sicurezza Ambienti di Lavoro
    via Canzio 18, ph. +39.02.8578.8342, opening hours 9 a.m. - 12 noon
    Distretto 2 – Zona 8/9 – U.O. Prevenzione e Sicurezza Ambienti di Lavoro
    P.le Accursio 7, ph. +39.02.8578.8603, opening hours 9 a.m. - 12 noon