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Psychological wellbeing

NRRP-MUSA Project - Spoke 6

Identity and Wellbeing

The IDENTITY and WELLBEING project sets out, implements and disseminates models and actions aimed at self-awareness and awareness of others, communication, cooperation, expression and wellbeing of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 with particular (but not exclusive) reference to the local university student population. The project will define and test models and actions that promote and support personal and collective identification and expression and the development of wellbeing while respecting and valuing culture, gender, orientation and personal and community choices of origin or adoption. Identification and wellbeing will be an opportunity for insight and creative principles for the creation of inclusive performance events and pathways of innovative psychological and clinical support. There will be a specific focus on university staff (teaching and non-teaching) in order to improve knowledge and skills concerning the problems detected and the actions implemented for effective mutual communication and collaboration. Special efforts will also be directed towards cultivating local ties and relations with the non-university population.

The project will be implemented through a number of actions:


Action 1

Creation of initiatives and events aimed at detecting specific personal and collective difficulties and resources for promoting the identity and wellbeing of young people (mainly undergraduates and doctoral students) aged between 18 and 30 and living in the local area, through dialogue, exchange and structured collection of information and data.


Action 2

Promotion of the identity and wellbeing of young people (mainly undergraduates and doctoral students) through the implementation of:


Seminars, courses, participatory experiential workshops, artistic-multimodal performance events aimed at gaining insights, through group actions, the dynamics of identification, emotions and interpersonal and social relations (inclusive musical/orchestral performances, prosodic/song based narrative experiences, expression workshops based on role-play, etc.).

The initial proposal of experiential workshops, starting in September 2023 and ending in July 2024, is already available and can be viewed here.

PoliMi undergraduates and PhD students can register for the workshops here. The activities are free of charge and available in Italian and English.

During these workshops, theory/classroom sessions will be alternated with practical work engaging the students in small groups. Each workshop touches on and experiments specific issues concerning emotions and relationships, and aims to provide tools to help participants recognise and develop certain parts of themselves, enriching their inner resources and working through their more vulnerable elements, so as to foster a more conscious and richer vision of themselves, of others and of mutual relationships.

You can access the Workshop using your own name in clear text - you are not required to switch on your camera either during the theory/classroom sessions or during the online work in small groups.



Individual pathways of psychological insight and support for the young student population; a description of and access to the initiatives already offered by PoliPsi can be found here.

There is also a support service for victims of stalking at the university; reports should be sent to



Training sessions for university teaching and technical-administrative staff and local professionals that address issues of youth malaise, provide additional skills for overcoming the management difficulties reported and define the roles of the psychological support service and educational roles in order to foster mutual understanding in support of the young academic student population.