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Double Degrees  

Double Degree Projects and T.I.M.E. project (Top International Managers in Engineering)

Double Degree Projects  

More than 100 agreements, about sixty destinations around the world and 1,400 double degree students who have undertaken brilliant careers since 1989: these are the numbers of Double Degree projects, the flagship of our university for 30 years that enrich your curriculum with a 360 ° international perspective.

What is a double degree project

With the Double Degree you get two qualifications: one at the Politecnico and the other in a partner institution abroad, thanks to a shared study track and a pre-established mobility scheme agreed by the two universities.

You attend 2 semesters at the Politecnico for a total of at least 60 course credits and you continue your academic career in the partner university to attend courses and take exams, and prepare your thesis work. The credits to be obtained abroad can vary from a minimum of 60 to a maximum of 120 depending on the agreement. Discuss the thesis in both universities, obtaining the two qualifications of the same level.

For more info look at the Map of Partner offices and this video.

The 6 reasons to choose a double degree

  1. Enrich and deepen your academic curriculum by taking advantage of the differences between the two educational systems and the different study tracks proposed.
  2. At the foreign university you can choose - if the agreement allows it - to enroll in a course of study different from that one you are attending at Politecnico.
  3. You deeply understand the mentality and culture of the host country and its reality: very useful for understanding their job market tomorrow!
  4. Let you acquire Flexibility, ability to work in an international team, and resourcefulness: soft skills highly appreciated by Italian and international companies.
  5. 73% of double graduates have more job offers and opportunities thanks to a Double Degree.
  6. More than 97% of Double Degree Alumni are convinced that they are suggesting an experience of this type to their classmates.

Benefits and concessions

For the entire period of stay abroad:

  1. you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a mobility contribution.
  2. you continue to pay taxes regularly at the Politecnico.
  3. you do not have to pay the enrollment fees at the partner intitution.
  4. you continue to benefit from the opportunities acquired for reasons of merit and / or income.

Furthermore: in addition, if the agreement foresees that you must enroll in an academic year beyond the normal duration of your course of study, you can benefit from an exemption.

For more info see the exemption categories page and the student contribution page.

T.I.M.E. programme


The T.I.M.E. o Top International Managers in Engineering, is a network of important technical universities and engineering schools founded in Paris in 1989. The Polytechnic is one of its founders. Today the association has 57 members in 23 countries including Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, as well as the main European countries.

For more information on the association, visit


T.I.M.E. Programme is a double degree project dedicated to all students of the Politecnico di Milano who undertake a Double Degree program with a partner institution of the T.I.M.E association.
With this program you get two degrees by replacing one year of the study course at the Politecnico di Milano with a period of study at the partner university of at least three semesters and acquiring a total of 330 ECTS credits throughout the entire academic career. Credits earned abroad are validated upon your return. You will have to carry out a thesis work under the supervision of a supervisor from the Politecnico and a supervisor at the partner university and discuss it in a regular graduation session in each of the two universities or jointly depending on the agreement.


By respecting the timing and the number of credits you can also acquire the T.I.M.E. label, a document certifying your participation at this exclusive program.


For the entire period of stay abroad:

  1. you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a mobility contribution.
  2. you continue to pay taxes regularly at the Politecnico.
  3. you do not have to pay the enrollment fees at the partner institution.
  4. you continue to benefit from the opportunities acquired for reasons of merit and / or income.

In addition, if the agreement foresees that you must enroll in an academic year beyond the normal duration of your course of study, you can benefit from an exemption.

For more info see the exemption categories page and the student contribution page.


Participation in the T.I.M.E. connect you direclty with the job market world: many universities in the network, for example the French ones, in fact require the student to carry out at least one company internship over two years, in order to integrate the teaching experience and the activity working.  The experience itself, then, is particularly appreciated by companies, because it allows you to acquire an international mentality and the ability to know how to fit into a different social and cultural context, whatever it is.  A recent study conducted by a consortium of T.I.M.E. revealed that over 90% of double-graduates agreed that the project was a bonus to their ability to work in an international environment, contributed to personal development and improved understanding of a different culture.