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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 27-01-2025 to hour 12:00 on 13-02-2025
Enrollment closed
Application completed, activity in evaluation
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tech and society
Competitions Frontal teaching Experimental laboratory
Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Ingegneria Informatica
Ore in presenza
N° max studenti
Parole chiave:
CREATIVITY, Innovation, personal growth, science
Communication and presentation skills, Industry 4.0, Computer science, Engineering, Artificial intelligence, Science, Social, Health and lifescience, Start up and Enterpreneurship, Career development, Information technologies

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

Research and education have been often perceived as a dichotomy.
It has often been hard to couple them in a productive and virtuous cycle.
Aldo and Marco believe that Research can obtain great benefits from Teaching and the other way around, and this is the (not so) hidden rationale behind this course.

In particular, involving students in research activities will heavily increase the creative and brainstorming phase of a research group.
Students are not yet constrained in a research framework and they are not scared by the idea of trying and failing to see their ideas coming reality through their work.
On the contrary, from an educative point of view, giving the students the chance to be involved in real projects will mean giving them the chance to experience real design and development challenges, and by guiding them during the design and development we can, in a maieutic way, teach them how to approach real-life projects.

Within this course, students will be provided an environment where they can work and experiment with several motivating challenges and creative experiences.
They will learn that creativity can be learned and it is something that we can cultivate by nurturing it by being exposed to proper environments, people, and opportunities... even when it comes to being brought out of their comfort zone.

Most of the time, students are really talented from a technical perspective and from an innovative point of view, but they are also scared whenever someone is trying to put them under the spotlight. The environment in which they are living has been playing a key role in this? young adults are generally considered not trained enough or capable of doing great and complex work? this is definitely not what we believe in.
Our students are terrific, they are young, but that just means that they need to be properly trained and helped in understanding that failures are part of the learning process.
Without trying, you are not going to fail, that's true, but without trying you cannot learn new things, and you can not achieve greatness

That goal is to be reached by creating a course and including students in a certain number of activities, projects, and challenges that make them recall elements of their everyday lives. Through this process, they will develop a better knowledge of their own abilities and of themselves in general.

Course objectives will be achieved by making the students more self-confident and this will be done by organizing a set of activities for students enrolled in this course with experts in different fields. Just to name a few examples, we will have psychologists to work with the students in helping them understand how to face stressful situations and work in a competitive environment. Performers will be asked to teach the students how to speak in public without showing that they may be scared while doing this.
As can be seen, the course is an amazing multidisciplinary environment that keeps students engaged in a broad array of activities, such as the design and creation of PoCs, and project-based activities. Furthermore acting, and creative hours will be used to properly train the students to face the different challenges they will be exposed to.
From a technical perspective, whenever specific knowledge is requested, students will be trained or pointed to resources to gather all the necessary information.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal February 2025 a May 2025


Le lezioni si terranno tutti i lunedí ed i giovedì del semestre dalle 12.30pm alle 2pm
Il calendario è visibile qui: 10 aprile le lezioni verranno sospese per permettere ai partecipanti di lavorare al progetto finale, quello delle competizioni in Bosch Italia e Bending SpoonsLessons will be held every Monday and Thursday of the semester from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM.
The course calendar is available here:

Starting from April 10th, lessons will be suspended to allow participants to work on the final project, which involves the competitions at Bosch Italia and Bending Spoons.