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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 13-01-2025 to hour 12:00 on 28-01-2025
Enrollment closed
Application completed, activity in evaluation
Language: ITALIAN
Subject area: Tools
Project laboratory Exhibitions Frontal teaching Workshop
Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Design degli interni - Interior design e Interior and Spatial Design
Ore in presenza
- Exhibition design
- Academic or self-taught musical background
N° max studenti
Criteri di selezione
Evaluation will be based on the portfolio and curriculum. Additionally, consideration will be given to
achieving an optimal mix of students according to the following percentages:
33% from Interior Design and Interior and Spatial Design;
33% from Digital and Interaction Design;
33% from Communication Design
Parole chiave:
Cultural heritage, exhibition design, sound driven design, sound narratives
Communication and presentation skills, Interaction design, Communication design, Interior design, Heritage and landscape

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

The workshop aims to enhance the transdisciplinary approach and increase the perception of sound
narrative potential in the context of multisensory, interactive, and immersive exhibition design projects,
which are now increasingly common in the context of cultural heritage exhibition projects.
Working on this field, as future designers, you will in fact be called upon to work with professionals from
different disciplinary backgrounds and especially with sound designers and musicians.
In this intensive session, you will take part in the development of a narrative sound design concept for the
ADI Design Museum permanent collection in Milan. The goal will be expanding the cultural experience
by engaging visitors through the construction of immersive and interactive sound narratives around
products and projects that received the Compasso d'Oro award over the years.
Experimenting and using new conceptual and design tools, you are invited to imagine engaging informative
and evocative listening experiences for each section of the exhibition, basing on a holistic approach at the
boundary between exhibition design, interaction design, and communication. The strength and complexity
of the project lies in offering visitors new perspectives and new forms of storytelling about the artifacts on
display by exploiting the potential of sound in all its expressive forms and in relation to other media.
In the development of the project, you will be aided and supervised by professionals representing the
disciplines and practices involved in this type of project, and you will collaborate with design students, but
with different academic backgrounds.
To develop the ideas, concepts and proposals based on the brief described above, the groups will be
indeed formed by students from the Interior and Spatial Design, Interaction Design and Communication
Design courses at Politecnico di Milano.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal February 2025 a February 2025


04.029:30 am – 6:30 pm /Mattina: lancio e visita al Museo / Pomeriggio: lezione frontale Morning: launch of workshop and visit to Museum / Afternoon: frontal lecture
05.029:30 am – 6:30 pm /Mattina: laboratorio / Pomeriggio: lezione frontale + presentazione prime idee Morning: workshop  / Afternoon: lectures + early ideas presentation.
06.029:30 am – 6:30 pm /Tutto il giorno: laboratorio All day: workshop
11.029:30 am – 6:30 pm /Mattina: presentazione concept e discussione / Pomeriggio: Preparazione presentazione finale. Morning: concept presentation and discussion / Afternoon: Preparing  final presentation.
13.029:30 am – 6:30 pm /Tutto il giorno:  Finalizzazione concept; Impostazione e sviluppo delle presentazioni finali. All day: Concept finalisation; development of final presentations.
14.029:30 am – 13:30 pmMattina: Presentazione lavori finali e discussione critica. Morning: Presentation of final works and critics.


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