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Services and relief

Health and personal care

Supplementary health care and “People Care” services

The University has entered into an agreement with the Mutual Aid Society 'Insieme Salute' to provide the staff with a supplementary healthcare service in the event of illness, accident, pregnancy and prevention. The opportunity can be extended to family members.

In addition, the Politecnico di Milano provides the recipients with an integrated 'people care/welfare network' service capable of providing “all-round support” to cope with their own and their family's difficult situations, identifying all possible actions to be implemented, either directly or through the social welfare and health services offered by the State and/or the region.

For more information, access the Intranet and visit the page dedicated to Polimi People Care Project (log in with University credentials).


Every year, the Politecnico di Milano funds both Administrative and Technical Staff and structured Teaching Staff in the form of subsidies. Applications must be submitted within the annual deadline set by the University Regulations.

The subsidy application may be submitted in relation to events that occurred to the very employee or to their spouse/domestic partner or other dependent family member, provided that the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Status Index) certificate proves a family income of less than EUR 45,000.

The general criteria for granting subsidies are linked to the exceptional nature and/or objective seriousness of the event and/or the employee's right to education(Diritto allo studio).

For further information please consult the Regulations for the awarding of subsidies to university staff.