The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.
A strong undergraduate preparation is required both in general core disciplines and basic sciences, as well as a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering and/or related disciplines (Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Engineering, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, etc.). Interested students are referred to eligibility criteria and requirements provided here.
Mission and goals
Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineers provide cutting-edge solutions to the society’s needs such as sustainable processes and technologies for the production of goods (materials, drugs, green chemicals, fertilizers) and for energy transformation (e.g. fuels, carbon neutral energy carriers such as hydrogen, ammonia, etc.) coupling pollutants emissions reduction (e.g. carbon capture, storage and utilization, wastewater treatments, etc.), economic viability and a wise utilization of natural renewable and non-renewable sources. All of the modern challenges related to decarbonization, energy transition and circular economy have a common denominator: they involve chemical transformations. Chemical Engineers exploit fundamentals of chemistry (e.g. chemical kinetics, thermodynamics), physics (e.g. heat and mass transfer) and mathematics to describe and understand underlying chemical and physical processes from the molecular level to the macroscale (chemical reactors and chemical plants), designing, operating, and controlling all processes and equipment that produce and/or transform materials and energy.
The programme includes a first year of mandatory courses (60 ECTS) such as Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering, Applied Physical Chemistry, Advance Transport Phenomena, Chemical Plants and Process Operation and Management, Process Systems Engineering and Industrial Organic Chemistry.
The second year is structured according to four tracks: Biochemical & Pharma, Environment & Energy, Process Design and Research & Development for Industrial Applications. Each of the track is composed of 25 ECTS of mandatory courses and 15 ECTS of elective courses. Additional information on tracks structure and courses are provided here. 20 ECTS are dedicated to the Master Thesis project where cutting edge research is performed in collaboration with leading researchers and professors that are internationally recognized experts in their area of expertise.
Career opportunities
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Chemical Engineering completes the basic preparation of bachelor graduates in Chemical Engineering and related disciplines and provide guided paths towards high-level professional profiles which are employed in a plethora of industrial sectors including (but not limited to) chemical, petrochemical, oil&gas, energy and sustainable energy production and management, pharmaceutical, food, biological, metals, textile, plastics and automotive industries. In these contexts, chemical engineers typically design and develop innovative processes and products, operate, control and optimize complex production facilities and plants. Additional employment opportunities typically include public and industrial research centers, technical structures of the Public Administration and consultancy in the area of environment and safety.
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Know more about the Tracks and courses and the Programme description
Chair of the Study Programme: Prof. Marco Derudi