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Study programs

Management Engineering

Academic year 2024/2025
Level Master (equiv. to MSc)
Duration 2 Year
Milano Bovisa
Language English

The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.


A Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering, in a technological subject or in economic studies.

Mission and goals

The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Management Engineering aims to train engineering professionals ready to address today’s business problems with innovative solutions. This programme offers the opportunity to really integrate high-level management skills with in-depth technical competences, enabling students to deal with complex systems in many different areas (for example: production, logistic, supply chain management, accounting, finance, economics, innovation, internationalization, technology management…). Management Engineering is inherently multidisciplinary and students attending this programme have the possibility of choosing among a broad range of courses, taught with different teaching methods ranging from theoretical lectures, practical sessions, case studies, project works and laboratories, where they can apply the skills, methods and knowledge acquired through the courses.


There are different majors available: 

Sustainability and Social ImpactSupply Chain Management
Innovation ManagementInternational Business
Industry 4.0Industrial Management
Digital Business InnovationEnergy Management
Circular EconomyComplex Projects Business
Analytics for BusinessBusiness Strategy and Transformation


Career opportunities

The Laurea Magistrale in Management Engineering offered by Politecnico di Milano gives to its graduates exciting and rewarding career opportunities in many different functions and activities in a wide range of organizations, including industrial and service companies, consultancy firms, banks and financial institutions, public administration and not-for-profit organizations.

Employment Statistics


Know more about the programme through a current student’s experience. Book your online one-to-one meeting through #Askastudent – Our voice for your choice project. 

More info

Watch this video to know more about the programme.

Browse the programme website

Know more about majors and courses and the Programme description


Study programs