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Study programs

Automation Engineering

Academic year 2024/2025
Level Laurea (equiv. to BSc)
Duration 3 Year
Milano Leonardo
Language Italian

Mission and goals

The role of Automation Engineers is to design, create, develop and manage equipments aimed at eliminating direct human intervention, as far as possible, in the operation of machinery, processes, plants and networks distributing goods or providing services. All these activities require creativeness and experience in solving integration problems deriving from the combination of traditional engineering technologies (mechanics and electrical machinery) with information technologies (automation, electronics, computer science, telecommunications). Increasingly complex automation systems are common in all industrial and tertiary sectors and are used both for making equipment and productive processes automatic and for improving the quality and technological content of products. The presence of different technologies in typical automation engineering products and applications explains the highly interdisciplinary nature of the programme.

Career opportunities

Ground, sea, air, and space vehicles; robotic systems; energy production, transmission, and management systems; automated systems in agriculture; systems for managing complex industrial processes; automated biomedical systems and devices; single machines and entire automated production systems are just a few examples of technologies in which automation engineering plays a key role. Automation engineers find employment in all these areas: not only in industries that produce automation devices and systems, but also in all companies and sectors where automation play significant technological and economic roles. The automation market now concerns all areas of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors: automatic machines, robots and mechatronic systems; process industry; transport and work machinery sectors; consumer goods production; public utility networks; plants and systems for the production and distribution of energy from renewable sources; home automation. Graduates in Automation Engineering, upon passing the State Examination, can register with the Order of Engineers, with the title of Junior Engineer

More info

Official video presentation (in Italian, English version available soon)

The following information relate to the current academic year for your reference

Tracks and courses

Programme description


Possible further education

Subject to academic curriculum evaluation, graduates can apply for a two-year Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme, possibly followed by three-year doctoral studies, or for 1st level Specializing Masters.



Industrial and Information Engineering


Study programs