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Calls and competitions for researchers

Competitions for temporary positions for researchers  

Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

A call for applications is issued for the recruitment of 1 full-time Junior researcher with a short-term contract pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, section a, of Law No. 240 (issued on 31.12.2010) - Competition sector: 08/D1 - ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, issued with Directorial Decree No. 1018 of 02/02/2022, published on the O.G. 04/03/2022, n.18 (Procedure code: 2022_RTDA_DASTU_1).

Deadline: 04-04-2022

Online publication date: 04-03-2022

Con Decreto Direttoriale n. 2217 del 03/02/2022 la sig.ra Simona COLOMBO รจ stata nominata, in sostituzione del dott. Enrico EFTIMIADI, ai sensi di quanto disposto dall'art. 5 della Legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241, Responsabile del procedimento

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