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International Networks

European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)


Contact person at Polimi
Prof. Ilaria Valente

The European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) is an international association bringing together Schools of Architecture located in all European countries, not just those belonging to the European Union. Membership is open to European schools or institutions that provide a degree in architecture recognized by the state or by a professional organization regulating the access to the profession in a given country.

The mission of the Association is to build a network of European Schools of Architecture, fostering discussions and exchanges and promoting a common policy on architectural education in Europe.

Among the aims of the Association are the improvement of the quality of architectural education and the promotion of the high level of European architecture.

The Association also supports an information forum focusing on aspects such as architectural education and architectural research.

Prof. Ilaria Valente, who belongs to the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies,  currently is the  Vice-President of the Association.