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Professors emeriti and honorary

Antonio Monestiroli

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano

  • Year of nomination: 2011
  • Facility: Department of Architectural Projects [facility name no longer in use]

Antonio Monestiroli is a leading figure in Italian architectural culture from the 1970s to today.

Research and design are an inseparable pair for him. His contribution in the field of architecture is considerable both in terms of projects and achievements and in terms of theory. The result of his design experience portioned into clear theoretical achievements, his strong educational vocation and his remarkable qualities as a teacher have allowed him to carry out his teaching with remarkable effectiveness and with results that have elevated the cultural framework of the Faculties in which he has worked.

At Politecnico di Milano, his contribution first as Head of the Department of Architectural Planning and then as Dean of the Faculty of Civil Architecture - tasks performed with great balance - completes the picture of a constant commitment to the service of the university institution and the common good.

Extract from the 2011 nomination statement