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Professors emeriti and honorary

Sergio Bittanti  

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano


  • Year of nomination: 2007
  • Facility: Department of Electronics and Information [facility name no longer in use]

In his very long, 47-year career at Politecnico di Milano, entirely dedicated first to the Carlo Erba Institute and then to the Department of Electrical Engineering, his scientific, didactic and organisational support and contributions have always been effective, meaningful and continuously aimed at promoting the growth of our Department and its young members.

Arnaldo Brandolini represented and still represents that link, that umbilical cord that inextricably connects the Department’s present to its past, to the national and international names that have shaped the history of Electrical Engineering at Politecnico, such as Barbagelata, Bottani, Correggiari and others.

Professor Brandolini was himself one of the architects of transformation and modernisation not only in the area of Electrical and Electronic Measurements, but also of departmental policies. In particular, he was far ahead of its time and personally promoted and favoured the push towards international scientific relations and collaborations.

Professor Brandolini was a figure of considerable importance for the School of Measurements at the Department of Electrotechnics, as he represented an excellent connection between the tradition of measurements in the sector of electromechanical instruments and the more modern kind of measurements in the sector of the digital processing of signals.

Extract from the 2007 nomination statement