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Professors emeriti and honorary

Carlo Ghezzi

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano

  • Year of nomination: 2018
  • Facility: Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
  • E-mail:

Carlo Ghezzi has been Full Professor of Software Engineering. He graduated in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. His teaching, scientific and institutional career took place almost entirely at Politecnico di Milano, except for a year as full professor at the University of Padua and periods of research and teaching in the USA (University of California Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill), Argentina (ESLAI), Europe (Technische Universität Wien), Japan (National Institute of Informatics) and China (Tongji University and Peking University). 

At Politecnico di Milano, he has held important institutional roles, including those of degree programme chairman, head of department and chairman of the council of heads of departments, member of the Academic Senate, and Rector's delegate for research. He has been chairman of the Ethics Committee since 2016. He started the teaching of Software Engineering at Politecnico, the first course in Italy on this subject.

He has received prestigious international awards, including appointments as a Fellow of the ACM and IEEE scientific associations, a member of Academia Europea, and a member of the Accademia delle Scienze - Istituto Lombardo.

He has carried out research in the area of Software Engineering, becoming one of the leading experts internationally, as evidenced by the Outstanding Research Award he received from the SIGSOFT (Special Interest Group on Software Engineering) of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). He has conducted numerous research projects, obtaining both national and European funding, including an ERC Advanced Grant. He has published more than 200 articles in international journals and congresses and 9 books.

Career highlights kindly provided by professor Ghezzi in 2023