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Professors emeriti and honorary

Fabio Alberto Schreiber

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano

Professor emeritus of Pervasive Data Management and of Databases at Politecnico di Milano's School of Information Engineering (in retirement since 1/11/2015); he also taught the Embedded Databases course in the ALARI Master at USI di Lugano. Previously, he taught the Technologies for Information Systems course at the same Politecnico and the Theory and Applications of Computing Machines course for the degree programme in Mathematics at the MM.FF.NN. Faculty of Sciences at Università di Parma.

Born in Lugano in 1945 and graduated in 1969 with a degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, he carried out most of his research activities at the Department of Electronics and Information at the same Politecnico, focusing on Distributed Processing Systems and Information Systems. In particular, he has participated in evaluating the reliability of Information Systems and issues relating to Information Systems for advanced applications; modelling Human-Machine Interaction in the quantitative assessment of risks and the reliability of safety-critical systems. In the same field, he has also been involved in the critical review of standards for the production and certification of computerised systems for railway applications. He is currently working on issues related to information systems and databases for context-dependent mobile applications involving very small user devices (PDAs, mobile phones, etc.) and sensor networks (pervasive systems).

He has written around hundred articles published in national and international journals and in conference proceedings.

He was vice dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, president of the Electronic Engineering programme and of the Computer Engineering programme at the Politecnico di Milano and member of several committees of the Faculty and of the University. He is a member of the editorial board of Data & Knowledge Engineering. From 1975 to 1993, he was editor-in-chief of Rivista di Informatica, body of the Italian Association of Informatics and Automatic Computing (AICA), of which he was a member of the national board of directors. He is also a Life Senior Member of the ACM and a Life Senior Member of the IEEE.

In addition to his scientific activity in the field of databases and information systems, prof. Schreiber has participated in several international and national research projects and has served on several consultancy committees in the field of information systems for public bodies; including: Prefettura di Milano, Amministrazione Provinciale di Cremona, the Provinciale di Cremona, Comune di Cremona, Comune di Brescia and several CTUs for the Pretura and the Tribunale Civile di Milano. He was the contact person for AIPA of the Comitato Metropolitano for the Pubblica Amministrazione di Milano.

For his work in the field of Information Systems automation for the Public Administration, on the proposal of the Prefetto di Milano, he was awarded the title of Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Ordine al merito della Repubblica italiana).

Career highlights kindly provided by professor Schreiber in 2023