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Professors emeriti and honorary

Guido Canella  

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano


  • Year of nomination: 2007
  • Facility: Department of Architectural Projects [*]

Professor Guido Canella was born in Bucharest on 19 January 1931 and graduated in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano in 1959. He began teaching the following year, first at the University Institute of Architecture of Venice and subsequently at Politecnico di Milano, where he became a full professor of Architectural Composition.

His scientific and technical prestige is attested by:

  • his position as member of the 'Architectural Design' scientific council of the National Research Group of the CNR (since 1998 onwards)
  • his role on the executive board of the XVI Triennale of Milan (1979-82)
  • his monographs published by the most important publishing houses and the publication of his essays and articles in specialised journals and in Italian and foreign newspapers
  • the specific entries dedicated to him that appear in numerous encyclopaedic publications

His visibility outside Politecnico di Milano is demonstrated by:

  • his work at the University Institute of Architecture of Venice
  • his editing of important architecture and urban planning periodicals such as the journals Architettura e Città, Hinterland, Zodiac
  • his involvement in important exhibitions in Italy (Milan, Rome, L'Aquila, Trieste, Venice, Modena, Palermo) and abroad (Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Beirut, Damascus, Mexico City, Havana and more)
  • his participation in national and international competitions for important construction projects including civic centres, universities and school complexes, courthouses, cinemas, theatres, museums, local churches and embassies
  • the prizes awarded to him [IN/ARCH (1969), CICA (1995), 'Stone Lion' X Architecture Biennale of Venice (2006)] and the competitions he has won

His commitment to Politecnico is proven by the roles he has held there, such as:

  • manager of programmes and laboratories, supervisor for degree theses
  • promoter and co-ordinator of seminars of national and international interest
  • head of the Institute of Architectural Composition (1974-1979)
  • head of the Department of Architectural Design (1979-1981)
  • president of the degree programme in Architectural and Urban Design (1982-1986)
  • dean of the subject of Architectural Composition since 1992

Extract from the 2007 nomination statement