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Professors emeriti and honorary

Mauro Santomauro

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano

Graduated in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in July 1971.

From September 1971 to 2016 he carried out research and teaching activities at the Department of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano, since 1989 as professor of Electrical Network Theory. His research has focused on the automatic design of electronic circuits, with particular reference to circuit simulation and layout problems. He has written numerous publications in international journals and presentations at conferences.

He served as director of the Computing Centre at the Politecnico di Milano and was director of the Department of Electronics and Information and coordinator of the Collegio dei Direttori di Dipartimento.

For many years, he served as the Chancellor's Delegate for Teaching, Counselling and Tutoring and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Politecnico di Milano.

He was teaching director of CEFRIEL, a centre of excellence for innovation, research and training in the ICT sector, and represented the University on the Boards of Directors of Tele Sensimento Europa and Aresys, two branches of the Politecnico di Milano.

Career highlights kindly provided by professor Santomauro in 2023