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Professors emeriti and honorary

Sergio Giovanni Mariotti

Professor emeritus of Politecnico di Milano

  • Year of nomination: 2019
  • Facility: Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
  • E-mail:

He has played a leading role in economic-industrial research and technological change in Italy and is still an authoritative and influential reference for the development of the discipline in the country. Among the founding fathers of Management Engineering in Italy, at the Politecnico di Milano he headed a research school through which many scholars have passed who are now recognized as among the most authoritative exponents of Italian Economic-Management Engineering. For many years he was Scientific Director of CIRET (Interdepartmental Research Centre on the Economics of Telecommunications), one of the first interdepartmental initiatives of the Politecnico, created with the encouragement of Rector Carassa, aiming to meet the challenge of the interdisciplinary research necessary to understand the interweaving of major technological and institutional changes. In 1989 he was one of the founders of the Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, of which he subsequently became President and a member of the governing board.

His research interests are oriented along two scientific strands that are very representative of Industrial Economics: on the one hand, economic geography and the internationalisation of companies, on the other, innovation, new technologies and the structure of industry. In these areas he has co-ordinated and directed numerous national and international research projects, among which it is worth mentioning the pioneering research promoted by the CNEL on the internationalisation of the Italian economy, a project which after forty years continues under his direction, with the support of the Institute for Foreign Trade. Many academic institutions, research centres and study offices have requested him over the years as a member of scientific and technical-scientific committees.

A member of the editorial committees of the main Italian economics and management journals, Sergio Mariotti is responsible for a copious publishing output which continues over time; he is the author of more than 400 works, some of which appear in the most prestigious international journals in the field.

Extract from the 2019 nomination statement