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On arrival information

Personal tax code

“Codice fiscale” is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters issued for free by the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Revenue Agency) to identify Italian citizens and foreign residents.

You need to have your own “codice fiscale” to:

  • open a bank account
  • sign any type of contract (rental, phone line, …)
  • register at the National Healthcare Service (SSN)

You can refer to the Italian Representative in your Country of residence in order to obtain your tax code.

Politecnico di Milano and Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency) have now signed a new Agreement for specific categories of students. Please address yourself to your reference office in order to know how to obtain your tax code through such Agreement.

If you are already residing in Italy, you can refer to Agenzia delle Entrate directly, by booking an appointment.