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Interdepartmental laboratories


Circular Economy Lab for Life Sciences


CELLS is the Circular Economy Lab for Life Sciences @POLIMI. CELLS is an interdepartmental laboratory supported by MUSA spoke 3 project. CELLS aims to use waste materials or by-products from various productive activities to EXTRACT, PRODUCE and SHAPE new materials and devices with applications in the Life Sciences. CELLS is a living lab with the mission of creating new opportunities for students, researchers and companies.


CELLS is an inter-departmental laboratory at the Department of electronics, Information and Bioengineering, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering. The involvement of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering is not in the material and manufacturing sides but in the analysis of the sustainability assessment of the new solutions implemented and in their economic analysis as well as in the involvement of industrial actors interested in developing circular approaches in their sectors.


Services provided

CELLS consists of three modules: one dedicated to the extraction of by-products coming from different industrial sectors (EXTRACT), one dedicated to their characterization and functionalization (PRODUCE), and one dedicated to the development of new devices based with these materials (SHAPE).

Procedures and costs of using equipment

CELLS performs its services as part of research projects carried out in agreement with public and private entities. The laboratory is also available for conducting surveys on materials and components on behalf of third parties. Collaborations with research projects and performing services for third parties shall be evaluated and estimates are provided on request.
To finalise any requests one member of the staff indicated below may be contacted.

Management committee

Management Committee