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Interdepartmental laboratories


Laboratory for Environmental Design and Multisensory Experiences


The laboratory offers a physical space in which to develop and undergo experiences of digital, multimedia and multi-sensory worlds; a space where a relationship between virtual and physical objects, material objects, objects provided with sensors, etc. can possibily be created. Owing to the technologies available in the dedicated space, in fact, we can visualize and create experiences that are not just visual, but also auditory, tactile, olfactory and synesthetic.

The laboratory offers a chance to conduct studies involving complex activity simulations and multi-sensory interactions in various sectors, such as design, biomedicine, environmental simulation, rehabilitation, learning and entertainment.


Campus Bovisa, via G. Candiani, 72 ed. B2, Milano


  • Virtual Theatre
  • Backprojected screen of 2.1 x 5.2 metres with a 30-seat capacity;
  • Integrated system of sensors to detect users' interaction, biosensors to detect users’ physiological parameters, multi-sensory interaction devices (sound, touch, smell), 2 projectors (for projections onto the ceiling and onto the floor), audio system, smart lights (lighting system with digitally controllable fixed and mobile components) and smart objects for recreational-educational activities.

Procedures and costs of using equipment

The ED-ME Laboratory can be accessed by booking an appointment.

Contact Point

Prof. Mario Bisson
Ph. +39.02.2399.5612

Management committee

  • Mario Bisson (DESIGN)
  • Barbara Del Curto (DCMC)
  • Franca Garzotto (DEIB)
  • Monica Bordegoni (DMEC)