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EN:lab, the new lab-building of the Department of Energy

Innovative solutions for efficient and integrated energy management are at the heart of the project

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EN:lab, the new building dedicated to the activities of the Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Milano, has been inaugurated. With over 6,000 square metres of floor space and located at the Bovisa Campus, it is a true laboratory-building, the result of an innovative vision integrating work, research and sharing spaces, part of the urban regeneration of Milano Bovisa-Goccia-Villapizzone area.

Rector Donatella Sciuto attended the inauguration, together with the Director of the Department Giovanni Lozza, the Councilor for Environment and Climate of Regione Lombardia Giorgio Maione and the Deputy Mayor for Environment and Green Spaces of Comune di Milano, Elena Grandi.

The most innovative aspect of EN:lab is that the building itself is a laboratory. It was in fact designed implementing innovative solutions for efficient and integrated energy management.

A wide surface of the building is dedicated to photovoltaic energy production, with 300 monocrystalline silicon modules with a peak power of over 100 kW. Thermal and cooling energy is provided by two high-performance, environmentally friendly reversible air source heat pumps. It is planned to connect the system to the Campus' future district heating network. As there are no combustion systems, the building has zero direct emissions.

The glazed surfaces provide high thermal/acoustic insulation characteristics and maximum passive protection from solar radiation and form the basis of an 'active and responsive' management system that minimises energy requirements.

They form the basis of an 'active and responsive' management system: 70 sensor kits collect and process environmental and climatic data, allowing real time optimisation of the envelope and plant performance, thus creating the best conditions for indoor energy efficiency and personal comfort.

It is in the name of sustainability that the new Bovisa is coming to life. Here will be located infrastructures that, starting with EN:lab, represent not only innovative solutions from an energy and environmental point of view, but above all cutting-edge areas for frontier research.

We have at our side the institutions and companies that believe in the university's ability to make a significant change on leading-edge issues that will mark the future of the territory, the city of Milan and its related industries.

Donatella Sciuto, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano

EN:lab is a concrete example of how technological innovation can integrate with energy efficiency. The building's advanced features not only enhance our research capabilities with laboratories dedicated to the latest energy transition technologies, but also represent a model for optimised energy management.

Giovanni Lozza, Director of the Department of Energy

EN:lab will house 7 experimental laboratories on frontier research topics such as nanomaterials, electrochemical batteries, fuel cells and electrolysers, an electrical devices for smart grids, covering a total of 1,600 square metres, a 150-seat lecture hall, two multipurpose halls for dissemination and innovative teaching, meeting rooms and offices.

A 'flagship project' will soon be launched as part of the University's sustainability plan: data relating to energy flows can be visualised in real time and will also be accessible for teaching and dissemination purposes.

Giovanni Lozza, Director of the Department of Energy

Building EN:lab in timelaps