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Artificial Intelligence at the Politecnico di Milano

Research directions


Since 1973

A big centre for AI

Research on Artificial Intelligence at the Politecnico di Milano began in 1973 with the founding of Italy's first dedicated laboratory in this field, the AIRLab. Today, the Politecnico di Milano is one of the leading European players in AI research, being part of various European excellence networks, including ELLIS, the premier European network for fundamental research in Artificial Intelligence.

In particular, AI is studied and developed across all departments of the university, following four main directions.


4 research directions 


Methods and

The fundamentals of next-generation AI techniques are studied, designing and developing new algorithms, studying their properties, and creating new platforms and tools for computing and accelerating existing algorithms.


Business and 
Corporate Organization

Business opportunities and economic impact within production processes are analyzed, as well as how both the operating model and the organizational structure change in companies that develop and/or adopt AI tools.


Ethics and 

The ethical principles of AI and their impact on applications are explored, with particular attention to European regulation, such as the AI Act.



AI applications are designed and implemented in specific domains, starting from real-world problems, in the various operational areas of the Politecnico di Milano.

Who to contact

AI Research and Innovation Center (AIRIC)

The expertise of the Politecnico di Milano is made available to industry and public administration through the Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation Center (AIRIC), that is the university's center devoted to the study and development of innovative AI applications. 

AIRIC relies on dedicated and specialized personnel for the development of innovative projects and leverages the knowledge and skills of the Politecnico di Milano by involving the most qualified research groups for each project.

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