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Year of incorporation



Solutions for factory optimization.


Thanks to its expertise on industrial engineering and information technologies, Miraitek supports the customers on the digital transformation of their processes. Miraitek focuses on production performances improvement: thanks to its innovative IT solutions, Miraitek collects and analyses operational data of customer’s machines, designing a path that increases the company’s competitiveness by reducing stops and faults. Miraitek innovative technologies monitor production processes on real time, even remotely. Thanks to the industrial engineering expertise, data collected from the field are turn into high value-added information to improve factory performances.


Miraitek supports the customers on the evaluation of the best technologies and activities to improve production efficiency. Miraitek tools can be easily connected to machines on production, collecting operational data in a safe and reliable way. Operating data are available on real time on any device connected to the web: the user is constantly informed about machines status. Machine learning algorithms moreover helps to reduce the quantity of stops and their duration, preventing unexpected failures and stops. Mirai4Machine is Miraitek web application to collect and analyse operational data. Mirai4Machine has the following features:

  • scalable: according to the customer needs, it is possible to monitor and analyse the status of single station, production lines or the whole productive plant
  • custom Set up: data are shown through dynamic interfaces, according to the type of user (machine operator, maintenance technician, production manager, factory manager, etc.)
  • safe: access to data is allowed through user verification, data are also exchanged via secure protocols (HTTPS, MQTT)

Target Market

Miraitek tools and services are designed for manufacturing companies that want to improve the performance of their plants by increasing the efficiency and quality of their production. Miraitek also addresses to industrial automation manufacturers: thanks to Mirai4Machine, machine builders benefit of constant monitoring of their assets; machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance also allow to prevent stops and breakdowns, improving the machines reliability. The use of tools for data collection and monitoring therefore has multiple advantages: greater control of production lines for end customers, while machine builders can verify the causes of failures and decrease stops occurrence. Miraitek tools also allow to implement servitization strategies: the machine builder is not payed on the cost of the machine itself but on the number of compliant products the machine produces.