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Research office

Presenting research proposals  

Both the administration of the Department/Campus concerned and the Research Office provide support in the preparation of research proposals within the framework of funded programmes. Such support differs according to the type of competition which the researcher intends to take part in.


The Research Office provides support in the analysis of the participation requirements of the main competitions, checks the budget, where required and/or necessary, controls the legal and formal issues of the agreements required to submit the proposal (Temporary Consortia, Temporary Associations of Companies, collaboration agreements).


The Research Office provides support in the analysis of the participation requirements of the main competitions, checks the budget, where required and/or necessary, controls the legal and formal issues of the agreements required to submit the proposal and organizes opportunities for common discussion (seminars and thematic events) and ad hoc training events.


The Research Office provides support in the analysis of participation requirements and controls the documentation to be prepared in terms of correctness of the information given. It also collects, from the relevant offices, any additional information required to fill out competition forms.


Since January 2015, the ERC Help desk in the Research Office has been staffed by dedicated personnel. The desk offers support services and guidance to researchers in participating in ERC calls. In addition, for all ERC projects that will be funded, Principal Investigators will be free to decide whether to keep the administrative management in their Department or to have it managed centrally by the Research Office.


Since July 2017, the MSCA Help desk has been active at the Research Office to offer support services to researchers and potential applicants at all stages of the application process: from the organisation of training courses to writing the proposal to the evaluation and review of the project. Every year, special attention is paid to the organisation of the Master Class for Postdoctoral Fellowships. The desk also provides advice to Departments on the administrative management of funded projects.


In case of competitions with participation limits, the Research Office immediately sends an email to all the Heads and Department Managers to inform them that an internal selection procedure must start (procedure approved by the Academic Senate at its meeting on 16th December 2013). In particular, a deadline is set for the presentation of project abstracts for internal selection purposes.

If a competition with participation limits has not been previously notified and a professor/Department/participated body informs the competent Service of its intention to take part in the competition less than 10 days before the relevant deadline, the University Services, not having enough time to select the proposals, are exempted from responsibility in case of participation of several structures and from any ensuing incompatibility.

The proposals will be submitted to the Evaluation Committee that will choose the abstract to be submitted for that specific competition. The Research Office will them inform all those concerned. The complete procedure relating to competitions with participation limits is published on the University's Intranet, section "How to", "Competitions with participation limits".