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Internship opportunities

The Politecnico di Milano offers numerous internship opportunities, both curricular and extracurricular, in a wide variety of fields: from communications to human resources management; from administration to accounting; from logistics to management control; from IT to events planning. 

Why do an internship at the Politecnico di Milano?  

Internships are an effective tool of on-the-job training and orientation: thanks to the first-hand experience, you learn more about the world of work and become more aware of your career objectives; you also enhance your skills and thus increase your competitiveness on the labour market.

The Politecnico di Milano, a pool of highly qualified and professional human capital, is the right place to achieve these goals. Thanks to a period of training and shadowing, you will learn in the field what goes on behind the scenes at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, and actively contribute to improving the processes that form the basis of the university's teaching, research and third mission activities.

By joining the Politecnico di Milano, you will become an integral part of our community and receive support throughout your internship from our HR team, which will engage in regular monitoring meetings to ensure the success of your training experience. 

Types of internships  

Curricular Internships

Grazie alle numerose convenzioni attive con università e istituti di formazione partner a livello nazionale, il nostro Ateneo è in grado di ospitare studenti e laureandi in cerca di uno stage curriculare, anche utile all’acquisizione di crediti formativi.
Per candidarti, consulta il portale placement della tua Scuola o Università, oppure scrivici a

Extra-curricular Internships

If you have finished your studies and are looking for professional experience, an extracurricular internship is right for you. With its pool of experienced staff, our university can guide your first steps into the world of work.
To apply, consult the placement portal of your school or university, or write to


For information or applications: