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Tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid

Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)  

CALL for n.8 scholarships "POLIPIACENZA-ME8"
Deadline: 30-09-2017

The N. 8 € 5,000.00 scholarships called ”Polipiacenza-ME8” are for students intending to enrol in the PSPA ME8 “Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems” specialization second year of the Master of Science (Laurea Magistrale) course in Mechanical Engineering active at the Piacenza Campus) in the 2017/2018 academic year.

Granting Organisation: 1 Associazione Polipiacenza

Recipient: Studenti del II anno del corso di laurea magistrale Ingegneria Meccanica - Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

Amount: € 5.000

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