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Tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid

Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)  

Deadline: 31-10-2019

Mandelli Sistemi SpA, in memory of Ing. Francesco Mulazzi, former Mechanical Design Manager of its Piacenza plant, is making a competition annoncement for one scholarship for the students of Politecnico di Milano. The scholarship is addressed to students that, once taken their degree in the Three-Year Mechanical Engineering (L-9) within September 2019, will enrol in the Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (LM-33) of the Polytechnic of Milan for the A.Y. 2019/2020 and it entails , at the conditions established by the announcement, the issuing of a total sum of 5.000,00 Euros to the winner and the possibility of carrying out a 6-month training internship within the company after graduation.

Granting Organisation: 1 Mandelli Sistemi SpA

Recipient: Studenti iscritti al primo anno del coso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingengeria Meccanica LM-33 del Politecnico di MIlano

Amount: € 5.000

Mandelli Sistemi SpA

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