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Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)  

EXTENTION CALL n.10 “MSc Degree Mechanical engineering ‐ mechatronics for manufacturing” scholarships
for students intending to enrol in the first regular year of the Laurea Magistrale programme in Mechanical Engineering (PSPA Mechatronics for Manufacturing), active at the Piacenza Campus, for the A.A. 2023/2024
Deadline: 02-10-2023

10 “MSc Degree Mechanical engineering ‐mechatronics for manufacturing” scholarships,of € 2,500 each, are for students intending to enrol in the first regular year of the Laurea Magistrale programme (equivalent to Master of Science, hereinafter referred to as LM) in Mechanical Engineering (PSPA Mechatronics for Manufacturing), active at the Piacenza Campus, for the A.A. 2023/2024

Granting Organisation: 1 Associazione Polipiacenza

Recipient: graduating/graduated in BSc

Amount: € 2.500

Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

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