Students who are not required to register for the new academic year
This include students who have a complete 2023/2024 Study Plan, i.e. including the ECTS required to obtain the degree regardless of whether they have passed or not (Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) 180 ECTS; Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) 120 ECTS; Single Cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) 300 ECTS) and who take their exams in the last session of the previous academic year (first semester September 2024, second semester: February 2025) and who graduate in the last degree exam session relating to the previous academic year (March 2025 3-Year Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor's degree) and April 2025 Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) and prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999).
Students who are required to enrol for the new academic year
The following financial aids are available for students who have already enrolled for a number of years at least equal to the normal duration of the programme:
The all-inclusive fee will be halved if students graduate by the previous academic year's final exam date (March 2025 3-Year Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor's degree) and April 2025 Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) and prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999).
This concession is not granted in the event of a study plan being presented for the additional academic year which includes extra courses.
Benefits may only be applied at the time of enrolment in the graduation exam indicated above.The registration of the Iseeu 2025 certificate for university use must take place at least 10 days before registration for the degree exam session; for the ISEEU-parificato 2025 you must send the necessary documentation and explicitly request the Tax Assistance Centres (CAFs) to forward the file to Politecnico prior to registration for the degree exam session.
In the absence of Isee/Iseeu-parificato 2025 when registering for the degree exam session, the 2024 figure will be taken into consideration, if registered.the amount of the all-inclusive contribution will not be due if students graduate by the final graduation exam date of the previous academic year (March 2025 for Laurea, equivalent to a Bachelor of Science, and April 2025 for Laurea Magistrale, equivalent to a Master of Science, under pre-DM 509/1999 regulations). This is provided that their study plan remains unchanged from the previous academic year, with no additional ECTS credits or purchased credits, except for the removal of excess courses or reclassification of courses between "effective" and "extra." Exams must be taken within the previous academic year's sessions. This applies when requesting enrolment certification for 2024/2025, applying for "diritto allo studio" benefits, or participating in paid student collaborations (200 hours) and tutoring. This is without prejudice to the payment of the regional tax, stamp duty, and insurance.
Students enrolled in degree programmes under the system preceding Ministerial Decree 509/1999 are eligible for this benefit, provided they have no more than three exams remaining.
Subsidies may only be applied at the time of enrolment in the graduation exam indicated above.
For the students referred to in points 1 and 2 who do not graduate by the above-mentioned deadlines, the annual all-inclusive contribution due, based on the ECTS credits and ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator)/ISEEU (University Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) certificate for 2025, will be 100%; any adjustment will be requested with the 2nd instalment.
The all-inclusive contribution will be 25% of the amount due in the case of students with a full study plan for the previous academic year (2023/2024), which contribute none-modification in the further additional year, and have taken all the courses, including any additional courses and internship-type plans, in the previous academic year's sessions, and who do not graduate by the date corresponding to the last graduation exam of the previous academic year (March 2025 for the Laurea triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and April 2025 for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) and before Ministerial Decree 509/1999). Students enrolled in the online IT degree course will also be exempt from the fee for using the relevant platform.
The subsidised amount must be requested from the day after the close of the registration for March session of Laurea degree examination and for April session of Laurea Magistrale degree examination, directly from the Registrar’s office via chat or e-mail. If the payment of the first instalment was made without the facility, the reimbursement will be done automatically.
Warning: for the discounts detailed above, where more than one category of exemption applies at the same time, only the benefit that is most advantageous to the student will be automatically allocated.
Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) students:
- Those that graduate in the 2024 September degree exam session
- Those that graduate in the 2025 March degree exam session and must sit only exams of 2nd semester 2023/2024 (without submitting a Study Plan for the year 2024/2025)
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students:
- Those that graduate in the 2024 October or December degree exam session (without having a Study Plan for the academic year 2024/2025)
- Those that graduate in the 2025 April degree exam session and must sit only exams of 2nd semester 2023/2024 (without having a Study Plan for the academic year 2024/2025)
- Those who submit a Plan of Studies for the 2024/2025 academic year
- Those who submit an application for benefits under the University Financial Aid - Diritto allo Studio Universitario (DSU) for the academic year 2024/2025
- Those who graduate by the March 2025 session (for three-year Laurea degrees) or the April 2025 session (for Laurea Magistrale degrees) and were required to submit a Plan of Studies for the 2024/2025 academic year and/or must pass first-semester exams and/or need to request certification of enrolment in the 2024/2025 academic year
The deadline for payment of first instalment of tuition fees of the academic year 2024/2025 is 16th September 2024 except for the students specified below.
Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) students:
- Those that need to submit the “same” Study Plan, for the academic year 2024/2025 (without any change) to that one of the year 2023/2024, with the only purpose to sit exams of the 1st semester in February 2025
- Who cannot graduate in the March 2025 degree exam session
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students:
- Those that need to sit only exams of 1st semester for which the registration to the new academic year is required.
- Who cannot graduate in the April 2025 degree exam session
Only for these students the deadline to meet, in order to not have any additional payment, is 17nd March 2025.
Some administrative operations may require the payment of the 1st instalment in order to be able, for example, to register (for student with a complete Study Plan) to exam dates of the academic year 2024/2025 or to register, in the academic career, the results of exams carried out in an exam session of the academic year 2024/2025. These operations require that the enrolmen1 instalment has been paid, so the student in one of these situations must be in order with all payments.