In the Gender Budget, Politecnico di Milano presents a snapshot of the University regarding the gender perspective of study and occupational pathways, of the Faculty and among Technical/Administrative Staff. The Gender Budget then specifies positive policies, provisions and actions adopted, and those to be implemented to promote equal opportunities, thus defining new goals and end points.
The Gender Equality Plan of Politecnico di Milano presents the University policy plan for gender equality and for the promotion of equal opportunities for all. The work carried out by our Institution since 2018 on the Gender Budget made it possible to define objectives, tools to achieve them and specific actions in different directions. The Gender Equality Plan has a three-year horizon, and responds to the request of the European Commission which, starting from January 1st 2022, defines it as a mandatory document for Universities and public entities, in order to be able to participate in competitive calls for receiving European funding.
Year 2024
Executive version of the gender budget
Gender Equality Plan
Year 2023
Extended version of the gender budget
Gender Equality Plan
Year 2022
Executive version of the gender budget
Gender Equality Plan
Year 2021
Executive version of the gender budget
Gender Equality Plan
Year 2019
Executive version of the gender budget
Extended version of the gender budget