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University Bodies

Board of Auditors

It is the independent body of consultancy and control of the correctness of Politecnico’s administrative management.

It is composed of three effective members and two deputies, of which one effective member, acting as President, chosen among administrative and accounting magistrates and State lawyers; an effective member and one deputy, appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance; an effective member and one deputy appointed by the Ministry among managers and officers of the Ministry itself. At least two components are registered auditors.

Composition triennum 2022-2024

Dr. Luigi GallucciPresident
Dr. Laura PedronEffective component appointed by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
Dr. Sergio SalustriEffective component appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Dr. Balbina CuceliDeputy component appointed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Dr. Matteo BenedettinoDeputy component appointed by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research