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University Bodies

Confidential Counsellor

Adv. Ilaria Li VigniCurriculum

The Confidential Counsellor provides advice and assistance to any one claiming to have been a victim of discrimination, mobbing, sexual, moral and psychological harassment (*).

The Confidential Counsellor is a professional figure external to the University, who acts in full autonomy and performs duties of prevention, lending an attentive ear, information and training aimed at promoting a suitable organisational climate for ensuring the equal dignity and freedom of professors, technical-administrative staff and students within the University.

He/she deals scrupulously, earnestly and with the utmost confidentiality with the individual cases submitted to her attention.

The Confidential Counsellor, Adv. Ilaria Li Vigni, receives on appointment at the office of the Comitato Unico di Garanzia – CUG (Guarantee Committee) (Building 10 of the Leonardo Campus).

To contact her:

CUG and Confidential Counsellor collaborate to periodically monitor and analyse scenarios of want, discrimination and harassment.

The role and activity of the Trusted Advisor are governed by the Code of Conduct of Politecnico di Milano as protection of the fundamental rights of students and staff.

(*) As stipulated by European Parliament Resolution A3-0043/94