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By decree of the Director General of January 31st 2023, POLIMI updated its protocol outlining the procedure for activating and managing an alias career. The protocol ensures that students into (or aspiring at) a gender transition live in an inclusive environment where interpersonal relationships are grounded in fairness and mutual respect for the individual’s freedom and inviolability.

According to the current protocol version, the student gets a badge reporting the name of election and a new institutional e-mail.

To activate the alias career or receive information about it, fill in the form and send it to This e-mail box is only read by authorised staff and is managed with the utmost confidentiality. You must attach a valid identity document and the papers proving that your gender dysphoria is treated/has been treated by public or private health or psychological facility to your application.

For further information about the alias career, you can also contact the Studentз LGBTI+ Poliedro Association.