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An ETS for the creation and management of C.E.R.S.

Politecnico di Milano among founding members of Solidale association

Photovoltaic panel on the Trifoglio building
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After the approval of the Executive Board and the green light also from the City Council, in the coming weeks a recognized association with the qualification of ETS (Third Sector Entity) will be established for the creation and management of the first CERS (Renewable and Solidarity Energy Community) in the city promoted by the Municipality of Milan.

The Associazione Solidale - acronym for Comunità Energetica Rinnovabile e cittadinanza attiva Milano Solidale - will have the Politecnico di Milano, Abitare Società Cooperativa, Associazione Terzo Paesaggio Ets, and Diapason Cooperativa Sociale arl onlus as founding members, in addition to the Municipality of Milan; with this institution the first territorial configurations of the Energy Community will start, which concern the area of ​​Città Studi, Bovisa, Niguarda-Affori and Chiaravalle and which in the future may extend to the entire city in correspondence with the perimeters of the primary cabins available on the GSE site. Solidale will operate in the Milan area with the aim of promoting the production, sharing and self-consumption of renewable energy that can contribute to decarbonisation and also produce economic benefits to be used to carry out projects in and for the territories, mainly of a social nature.

I hope that this further and important step towards the creation and management of CERS can be a driving force for the ever-increasing spread of energy communities in the city, which are a strategic tool both from an environmental point of view, to achieve some of the objectives of the Air Climate Plan which aims for a more widespread use of eco-sustainable energy, and from a social one, because they are able to reduce energy poverty, strengthening the social cohesion of the territories in which they develop.

Elena Grandi, Milan Councillor for Environment and Green

Although extended to the entire perimeter of the city, will first see the activation of the four configurations in the neighborhoods of Bovisa, Chiaravalle, Città Studi and Niguarda-Affori. Already in 2025, Solidale will be able to count on approximately 2.000 kWp of photovoltaic systems that will be installed and activated by Politecnico di Milano, as foreseen by its Strategic Sustainability Plan.

Politecnico di Milano's research, teaches and carries out the energy transition. And it has defined a decarbonization strategy based on actions carried out in synergy with the socio-economic context in which it operates. The construction of photovoltaic systems, the use of their energy and the sharing of excess energy with the citizens of are among the most important initiatives, because they make decarbonization a bridge between the campuses of the Politecnico and the surrounding urban fabric

Mario Motta, Delegato della Rettrice per la Transizione Energetica

The objective in the first phase of's life is twofold: to attract new producers who make their energy available to CERS and to activate the territories, transforming them into catalysts of social cohesion and a sense of belonging to the community.

The initiative will be presented as part of the Milano Green Week on Saturday 28 September, at 10.30 am at the Politecnico di Milano (Aula De Donato, Building 32, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci) in a dedicated event that will be an opportunity to illustrate the governance structure and management mechanisms that have been defined by the working group promoting the CERS. The event will also be useful for opening a dialogue with the territory, starting the process of joining the CERS, which will be open to citizens, institutions and businesses, and which will coordinate its initiatives with those of the Energy Desk of the Municipality of Milan.