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Enrollment: from 25-03-2025 to hour 23:59 on 12-04-2025
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Language: ENGLISH
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development|Tech and society
Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Product Service System Design - Design del sistema prodotto servizio
Ore in presenza
Bachelor's degree required within an academic path that has developed skills in the areas of Service Design, Strategic Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, and Communication Design. Students of Master's degrees in relevant areas to the work objects are also eligible. All activities will be conducted in English, so it is necessary to have a good understanding, writing, and interaction skills
N° max studenti
Criteri di selezione
For the selection of participants, a CV and a motivational letter are required. Both materials will be used to evaluate the consistency between the candidate's profile and the type of project challenge. The selection will take place through CV evaluation, online test, and brief online interview
Parole chiave:
devices, sport, technology
Interaction design, Communication design, Product design, Service design, Artificial intelligence, Sport

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

The Samsung Innovation Campus Challenge is to design a product-service that revolves around the concept of Sport and Technology. In particular, the design challenges focus on three main areas: 1. Technology as a Performance Enhancer in Sports Technology can act as both an enabler and a booster of athletic preparation. This includes performance monitoring and collecting detailed data during training and competitions. The data itself—and its processing—can either be the end goal (e.g., injury prevention) or serve as the foundation for developing additional technologies aimed at supporting specific training needs. While athletes are the primary focus, the scenario can expand to include opportunities in medical fields, work with individuals with disabilities, and beyond. 2. Technology as a Tool for Wellbeing Sport, understood as physical activity and play, is fundamental to personal wellbeing. Its impact on both physical and mental health is backed by scientific studies and personal experience. However, there are many barriers that prevent people from engaging in sport. Technology can act as a facilitator for those seeking ways to incorporate sport into their lives. The key concept here is wellbeing—not the tool itself. Design can extend to any area impacting personal health, and the possibilities for technological application are endless. 3. Technology as a Tool for Social Inclusion Sport is also about play: teams, rules, scores. As play, it relies more on player interaction than individual performance. This view frames sport as a "training ground for life." For this reason—especially for children, but not only—sport has often been used for its social potential, becoming a means to engage, include, unite, and offer growth opportunities to those who are not usually involved in traditional activities. From addressing social challenges like poverty, to integrating people with disabilities, to supporting the rehabilitation of individuals with difficult pasts—sport, with or without technological applications, offers great potential. Team Composition The working teams will be created by Samsung and will consist of 5 students, with a preference for diverse academic backgrounds. Final Deliverables Each team's project must be presented through a 10-minute PDF presentation, in which the entire team will participate. The presentation may include videos and should, at a minimum, cover the research topic, target users, proposed solution, and applied technologies. Presenting a prototype (not necessarily functional) is encouraged, as it helps demonstrate how the solution will be used and applied. Awards The award ceremony will take place during the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Product Service System Design degree program, on June 25, 2025, at Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa Campus.
A panel of Samsung representatives will evaluate projects based on:

  • Creativity of the idea
  • Technical feasibility
  • Analysis of target users and context

  • A recognition will be awarded to the winning team by Samsung

    Periodo di svolgimento

    dal May 2025 a June 2025


    April 15: Selection process begins. All selected students will be notified by April 17.
    May 5: Workshop kick-off
    May 23: Mid-term presentation
    Two additional tutoring sessions will be scheduled individually with each group.
    June 20: Final Event
    June 25: Awards Ceremony – during the Closing Event of the 20 years Celebration of the PSSD Master's Program


    In developing the idea, it must be clear which user needs the proposed solution addresses and which values it reflects. The goal is to build a meaningful narrative that brings value and relevance to individuals, organizations, and the broader system in which the solution operates. This requires a thorough analysis of the context, the identification of potential users, and a clear definition of their characteristics—using the Persona tool, which will be included in the final presentation.To develop a truly innovative project, it's important to expand and rethink the concept of sport. Examples like e-sports and Paralympic sports show how the traditional definition—focused on physical performance—is no longer sufficient. This raises questions: is it still sport if practiced alone? If it's aimed at physical labor? Do chess or psychological coaching count as sport? What about nutrition, aesthetics, or technical and symbolic apparel—like team colors, shared makeup styles, or group tattoos? If Michael Jordan's shoes are sports equipment, can we say the same for the All Blacks' Haka or the black stripes on football players' faces? Likewise, the definition of technology deserves a broader view: it's not just about gadgets or microchips, but also includes software, sensors, AI, hardware solutions, and smart tools. Expanding the meaning of "sport" and "technology" opens up unexplored areas of opportunity and sparks creativity, critical observation, and lateral thinking—all essential ingredients for developing original and meaningful solutions.