Mission and goals
The Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Physics educates professionals with a strong engineering background and in-depth expertise in the most innovative areas of applied physics.
The transformation of scientific knowledge into new technologies and the transfer of innovation to the production system are essential needs for many industries. To meet this demand, the program prepares engineers with a solid foundational education, complemented with specialized knowledge in condensed matter physics, photonics, and physical technologies, enabling them to work in contexts characterised by a high degree of technological innovation. This approach is particularly suitable for those students who have a passion for basic subjects, while also appreciating the experimental dimension and have an interest in technological applications.
In detail, the study program provides a solid education on basic subjects, with courses in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and computer science, complemented by a comprehensive engineering preparation in electronics, mechanics, automation, and energy engineering. In the third year, students delve into specific program-related topics, with particular focus on radiation-matter interaction and photonics. Learning is further enhanced through experimental laboratories, available from the very first year, allowing students to tackle real-world problems and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired throughout their studies.
The natural progression for bachelor graduates in Engineering Physics is to pursue a Master’s Degree, particularly in Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering. However, the solid basic scientific preparation and the broad engineering education allow graduates to easily access different Master's degree courses in Engineering and in scientific and technological disciplines, both in Italy and abroad.
Finally, a small percentage of Engineering Physics graduates choose to enter the workforce directly without continuing their academic studies.
Career opportunities
The program trains innovation engineers capable of managing and designing high-tech products and processes across various industrial sectors.
Career opportunities for Engineering Physics graduates are broad and diverse, particularly after completing a Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics, and include both industry and research:
- Fundamental and applied research, at universities and public or private research institutions, both nationally and internationally.
- Industrial research and development, in high-tech industries where physical principles are translated into industrial applications and products.
- Strategic and technological consulting, in companies focused on innovation and new technology development.
- Emerging sectors of the knowledge economy, with key roles in the high-tech industry.
Graduates in Engineering Physics can find job opportunities in various cutting-edge sectors, including Photonics, Semiconductor and advanced materials industry (e.g., superconductors), Communications and telecommunications, Biomedical applications, Energy production and environmental sustainability.
Finally, upon passing the State Examination, graduates can register with the Professional Association of Engineers, thus obtaining the title of Junior Engineer.
Possible further education
Subject to evaluation of their curriculum, graduates in Physical Engineering can continue their studies in related fields such as Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering. With admission always subject to an evaluation, graduates may choose other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent Master of Science) programmes or 1st level Specializing Masters.