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International Networks

Heritage Network

Contacts at Polimi


HERITAGE was founded in 2017 by Ecole Centrale Nantes as a result of 2 highly successful Erasmus Mundus projects (WILLPOWER, 2009-2013 and HERITAGE, 2012-2016), coordinated by the French institution with the participation of leading European and Indian universities,including Politecnico di Milano, which allowed students, graduate students, PhD students, post-docs, and staff from the Indian partners to participate in an international experience at European partner institutions for short/long-term mobility.

The HERITAGE network was conceived as the starting point for transforming this fruitful collaboration between the European and Indian partners into a lasting co-operation. In addition to the original partners, other major European and Indian institutions have since joined the network.

HERITAGE aims to:

  • strengthen cooperation in higher education (research and training) between Europe and India in the field of engineering sciences
  • Develop academic and research exchanges between partner institutions and promote high-level educational programs in engineering, science, design and technology between Europe and India
  • Organize annual workshops on scientific and technical topics of mutual interest

One of the objectives of the network is to promote student mobility between the 2 continents in the area of study mobility.

Politecnico di Milano currently has active mobility agreements with 3 members of the network. For more information regarding mobility, students can check the pages dedicated to international mobility.