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Italian qualification

Places available

For the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering and the School of Design, if the number of students enrolled in the first semester reaches the planned number of places available for the current academic year, it will not be possible to submit an application for admission in the second semester.

Places reserved for Italian, Community* and equivalent** nationals

For AUIC/Architecture programmes:

  • Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage - Architettura del Paesaggio. Suolo Paesaggio Patrimonio (Milano Leonardo): 25 posti
  • Architettura - Ambiente costruito interni - Architecture Built Environment Interiors (Milano Leonardo): 198 posti
  • Architettura - Ambiente costruito interni Architecture Built Environment Interiors - Internazionalizzazione Inglese (Milano Leonardo): 120 posti
  • Architectural Design and History (Mantova): 40 posti
  • Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design (Piacenza): 40 posti
  • Architettura e Disegno Urbano - Architecture and Urban Design (Milano Leonardo): 158 posti
  • Architettura e Disegno Urbano - Architecture and Urban Design - Internazionalizzazione Inglese (Milano Leonardo): 80 posti
  • Architettura - Architettura delle Costruzioni (Milano Leonardo): 80 posti
  • Architettura - Architettura delle Costruzioni (Milano Leonardo) - Internazionalizzazione Inglese: 25 posti
  • Urban Planning and Policy Design - Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali (Milano Leonardo): 40 posti

For AUIC/Engineering programmes

  • Ingegneria dei Sistemi Edilizi (Milano Leonardo): 98 posti
  • Building and Architectural Engineering (Milano Leonardo): 40 posti
  • Building and Architectural Engineering (Lecco): 15 posti

  • Digital and Interaction Design - Design Digitale e dell'interazione (Milano Bovisa): 50 posti
  • Integrated Product Design - Design del prodotto integrato (Milano Bovisa): 70 posti
  • Interior and Spatial Design - Design degli interni e degli spazi (Milano Bovisa): 90 posti
  • Design della Comunicazione (Milano Bovisa): 115 posti
  • Design for the Fashion System - Design per il Sistema Moda (Milano Bovisa): 40 posti
  • Product Service System Design - Design del Sistema Prodotto Servizio (Milano Bovisa): 40 posti

  • Design & Engineering - Progetto e ingegnerizzazione del prodotto industriale (Milano Bovisa): 65 posti

  • Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation (Lecco): 25 posti
  • Civil Engineering - Ingegneria Civile (Milano Leonardo): 120 posti
  • Environmental and Land Planning Engineering - Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio (Milano Leonardo): 90 posti

  • Ingegneria Geoinformatica - Geoinformatics Engineering (Milano Leonardo): 20

[Translate to English:]

  • Agricultural Engineering: (Cremona): 35 posti
  • Biomedical Engineering - Ingegneria Biomedica (Milano Leonardo): 460 posti
  • Management Engineering - Ingegneria Gestionale (Milano Bovisa): 750 posti
  • Engineering Physics - Ingegneria Fisica (Milano Leonardo): 100 posti
  • Mathematical Engineering - Ingegneria Matematica (Milano Leonardo): 200 posti
  • Chemical Engineering - Ingegneria Chimica (Milano Leonardo): 150 posti
  • High Performance Compunting Engineering (Milano Leonardo): 60 posti
  • Ingegneria della Prevenzione e della Sicurezza nell'Industria di Processo (Milano Leonardo): 60 posti
  • Electrical Engineering - Ingegneria Elettrica (Milano Leonardo): 75 posti
  • Nuclear Engineering - Ingegneria Nucleare (Milano Bovisa): 75 posti
  • Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology - Ingegneria dei Materiali e delle Nanotecnologie (Milano Leonardo): 200 posti
  • Aeronautical Engineering - Ingegneria Aeronautica (Milano Bovisa): 200 posti
  • Space Engineering - Ingegneria Spaziale (Milano Bovisa): 100 posti
  • Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica (Milano Bovisa): 240 posti
  • Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica (Piacenza): 20 posti
  • Mechanical Engineering - Ingegneria Meccanica (Milano Bovisa): 330 posti
  • Mechanical Engineering - Ingegneria Meccanica (Lecco): 50 posti
  • Telecomunication Engineering - Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni (Milano Leonardo): 70 posti
  • Electronics Engineering - Ingegneria Elettronica (Milano Leonardo): 130 posti
  • Computer Science and Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica (Milano Leonardo): 500 posti
  • Music and Acoustic Engineering (Cremona): 65 posti
  • Mobility engineering (Milano Leonardo): 60 posti
  • Food Engineering (Milano Leonardo): 60 posti
  • Automation and Control Engineering - Ingegneria dell'Automazione (Milano Leonardo): 170 posti

*Community nationals are nationals of countries of the European Union (EU): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary.

** Foreign nationals treated as equivalent to Community nationals are: nationals of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Great Britain, Switzerland and San Marino. Non-EU nationals resident in Italy with a residence card/permit for employed or self-employed work, for family reasons, for political asylum, for humanitarian asylum or for religious reasons; foreign nationals lawfully living in Italy for at least a year and holding an academic qualification awarded in Italy; foreign nationals with residence anywhere who hold a high school diploma from an Italian school abroad or a foreign or international school operating in Italy or abroad which is subject to bilateral agreements or special regulations for the recognition of academic qualifications that satisfy the general conditions of study visas (see Art. 26, Law No 189 of 30 July 2002). Political refugees and staff serving in foreign diplomatic representations and in international bodies with offices in Italy (accredited by the Italian government or the Vatican) and family dependants, limited to spouses and children.