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When to register for the TOL

Academic year 2024/2025

The TOL is provided for two different types of candidates and has two different names.

Students in the penultimate year of upper secondary school

If you are a student in the penultimate year of upper secondary school and you finish upper secondary school in the 2024/2025 school year, you can sit the EARLY TOL test.

You can sit the EARLY TOL test maximum twice in the 2024 calendar year, that is, once per time window, and can only re-sit it if you achieved a score less than 75/100 (rounded to the nearest integer).

If you achieve a rounded score of 75/100 or higher, you will be eligible for enrolment in the  2025/2026 academic year.

First time window from 25/03/2024 to 31/05/2024
Second time windowfrom 01/06/2024 to 31/07/2024

You will also be able to take the TOLC-I (CISIA) according to the repetition possibilities provided by CISIA.
Notice! To be able to use the TOLC-I taken in 2024 it is necessary to have passed it by 31 July 2024 and to have registered it in the Online Services of Politecnico di Milano by 11:59 (CEST) on 7 August 2024: visit the page TOLC-I

Go to the Early TOL Calendar

Students who have already finished upper secondary school or are in their final year of upper secondary school

If you have already finished upper secondary school or are in the last year of upper secondary school and will finish it in the 2023/2024 school year, you can sit the STANDARD TOL test.

You can sit the TOL maximum twice, that is. once per time window, to improve your score for the ranking.

First time windowfrom 03/02/2024 to 23/03/2024
Second time window from 25/03/2024 to 31/05/2024

You will also be able to take the TOLC-I (CISIA) according to the repetition possibilities provided by CISIA.
Notice! To be able to use the TOLC-I taken in 2024 it is necessary to have passed it by 31 May 2024 and to have registered it in the Online Services of Politecnico di Milano by 11:59 (CEST) on 6 June: visit the page TOLC-I

Go to the Standard TOL Calendar

You cannot register for multiple test dates at the same time.
If you have registered for the test, you can register anew only after the date of the test you have previously registered for.

To register for the TOL,  you have to register to the Politecnico di Milano’s Online Services. Once you have received your person code and password, log in to your personal account and go to: "3-year Laurea programmes (eq. to BSc) and 5-year single cycle programmes (eq. to Integrated MSc): entrance or catch-up tests and enrolment" > "Register for the Test", then choose > TOL-Ingegneria, and follow the online process.

For each test date you can see in real time the dates, test times, the remaining available places and the time periods when you can register.

If you register for a test and do not show up, you will be considered absent and the test will be considered equivalent to taking it for the purposes of repeatability.

If you are an Italian student with an foreign qualification, you must follow the same enrolment procedure as Italian students: in addition, however, you will have to submit some additional documents to the International Students Office.

The TOL test will take place on a single date on 10 July 2024, remotely.

To register you must:

  • register on Politecnico di Milano's Online Services
  • pre-register for the entrance test via the Online Services, from 31 January to 31 May 2024.

Once you have received your code and password, log in to your personal account and follow this path: “Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or recovery tests and enrolment” > “Test Registration” and follow the online process.

If you are interested in the Laurea programme (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) in Civil Engineering taught in English, you must have taken an English TOLC-I or an SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT.

Italian language proficiency

To be admitted to the entrance test you will have to prove your proficiency in Italian.

This proficiency can be demonstrated by taking a language test organised by CISIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso) which will take place remotely on 12 June 2024.

All students who have completed the registration for the entrance test by 31 May 2024 will be automatically registered to the exam. The test pass mark is a proficiency level of B1 or above.

Alternatively, you can submit an Italian language certificate of at least B1 level of the CLIQ (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualità), to be sent to the International Students Office (contact) no later than 31 May 2024.
More information on accepted certificates can be found here.

PLEASE NOTE: students who have not achieved the minimum score in the Italian language test, or who have not sent in a valid certificate by the above deadline, will not be admitted to take the entrance test.

Students in the Marco Polo Programme

Students participating in the Marco Polo programme, in order to benefit from the number of places reserved for them, must present a similar certificate of Italian language proficiency by 31 May.

In the absence of such a certificate, they will be able to sit the Italian language test scheduled for 12 June and, if they pass with at least B1 level, they will be able to sit the TOL admission test using the places reserved for students in the reserved quota, but they will not be considered as Marco Polo students.

PLEASE NOTE: students who have not achieved the minimum score on the Italian language test or who have not submitted a valid certificate by the above deadline will not be admitted to sit the admission test.