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After admission

Accept the admission

  • enter your online account
  • click on "Apply for a Master of Science programme (only for international and Italian candidates graduated abroad): Submit online application form, results release and enrolment"
  • select the section "Master of science programme (s) selection" in the box on the left
  • click on the green circle and then on the "accept" button*

*If you are admitted to 2 different programmes, you must select the one you prefer. The system will automatically reject the other.

We remind you that without a valid language certificate your admission is conditional and your Admission Letter will not be available on your online account.

Here you can find specific information about the available scholarships. For the a.y. 2024-25 the merit-based scholarships candidates will have to fill out an additional application form (no fee required). Detailed information and deadlines are available on our website

In case you decide to decline the admission, please click on the green circle and then on the reject button.