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Interdepartmental laboratories


Geomatics and Earth Observation Laboratory


The Geomatics and Earth Observation laboratory unites research groups from the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Electronics Information and Bioengineering (DEIB), Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (DABC), Aerospace Science and Technology (DAER) and Mathematics (DMAT).

The Laboratory's researchers analyse classical and satellite geodetic observations, their archiving and management in geographic information systems, shared via web and the design of systems and missions to support Earth Observation satellite data. The research covers different areas, including the definition of new data acquisition technologies, modelling of observed phenomena, the study and implementation of innovative algorithms for calculation and data management and control of orbital systems with detailed targeting requirements.

Partnership with the Aerospace Science and Technology group aims to study of satellite missions that define methods and timescales for observations based on the derived information, and the accuracy and precision refinement of the of the targeting of scientific instruments on board earth observation satellites. GEOLab is the operational organisation responsible for Politecnico di Milano activities within the Copernicus Academy network.


The laboratory is located at DICA - Geodesy and Geomatics section - Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Milan - Building 3 (first floor). The laboratory researchers use the offices of associated departments - Leonardo, Bovisa and Lecco Campus.


The equipment used in the Laboratory was bought before the laboratory was set up using research funds of the Departments involved, the Como and Lecco Campuses, which are still the owners.

They are available for use to the laboratory's researchers if they are not already being used for the purposes they were purchased for.

Equipment to collect data

The laboratory has classical geodetic tools for topographic surveys, tools for monitoring buildings, dual frequency GNSS receivers for high-precision surveys and low-cost GNSS receivers for navigation, laser scanners and digital cameras for architectural and built environment surveys, remotely piloted aircraft (UAV) equipped for photogrammetry and for long-distance surveys. 

Equipment to process data

The laboratory has servers dedicated to the analysis of data from the GOCE space mission and its applications, servers dedicated to WebGIS that are developed (or in the process of being developed) and managed by the laboratory and servers for the processing of GNSS data. It also has licenses for the use of software for the analysis of GNSS data, photogrammetry data and LiDAR data.

Other equipment

The laboratory has a permanent GNSS station of the EPN European network.

Services provided

GEOLab is a research infrastructure that facilitates departmental partnerships in funded research projects.
GEOlab has been a Copernicus Academy Network link since 2019, coordinating the departments involved.

Procedures and costs of using equipment

The Laboratory equipment, data and products may only be used for scientific purposes and within specific Laboratory projects. The methods are defined each time based on the projects and repayment.

Contact Point

Maria Brovelli
Ph. +39.02.2399.6242

Management committee

  • Giovanna Venuti (DICA)
  • Maria Brovelli (DICA)
  • Andrea Monti Guarnieri (DEIB)
  • Raffaella Brumana (DABC)
  • Michelle Lavagna (DAER)