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The latest news on research at Politecnico di Milano

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New materials for high-performance electronic devices

The potential of liquid-crystalline perovskites

3 ERC Starting Grants won at Politecnico di Milano

The prestigious European funding worth 1.5 million euros

New anti-counterfeiting technology to certify works of art

Result of recently concluded PYPAINT project

Social Media: how algorithms influence election campaigns

Study reveals significant disparities in effectiveness of online political advertising campaigns

An optical filter at the service of medicine

Developed by CNR, Politecnico and Humanitas with Specto Photonics, it allows measuring elasticity of sub-cellular structures

SCARABEUS: thermodynamic solar reduces energy costs

A new power cycle makes it possible to lower the cost of electricity from concentrated solar power plants

PhD 2024/2025

2nd additional call

OPERA: new environmentally friendly propulsion systems

A joint laboratory by SPLab-Polimi and D-Orbit

HyMantoValley. Politecnico di Milano in Lombardy Hydrogen Valley project

In the Province of Mantova, the European project aimed at decarbonization

African hydropower expansion: energy-emissions-ecosystem trilemma

A study by Politecnico di Milano, Carnegie Institution for Science and Natural Capital Project at Stanford University published in Natureā€¦