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Scholarships and graduation awards (non dsu)  

CALL n. 10 scholarships "MOBILITY ENGINEERING"
Deadline: 12-10-2018

The n.10 scholarships, each one with gross amount of € 4,000, included expenses charged to Politecnico di Milano, are intended for students of the 2nd year of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Electrical Engineering – Ingegneria Elettrica or in Mechanical Engineering – Ingegneria Meccanica intending to enrol in the Study Plan (PSPA) “Mobility Engineering” sponsored by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane in the a.y.2018/2019.

Recipient: Studenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica e Elettrica

Amount: € 4.000 ciascuna

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